
Udzungwa Mountains

National Park

Boasts stunning biodiversity. Hikers can explore a variety of habitats, from lush rainforests to misty waterfalls, encountering a wealth of rare and endemic wildlife.
About Udzungwa Mountains National Park

Udzungwa Mountains National Park, located in south-central Tanzania, is a biodiverse haven characterized by its ancient mountain range, lush rainforests, and unique wildlife. This park is renowned for its rich biodiversity and serves as a critical habitat for numerous endemic species found nowhere else on Earth.

Udzungwa’s mountainous terrain and dense forests offer visitors a chance to explore one of Tanzania’s most pristine and ecologically significant areas.

The park’s primary attraction is its diverse flora and fauna, including a wide range of plant species and wildlife. Udzungwa is home to over 400 bird species, making it a paradise for birdwatchers, with highlights such as the Udzungwa forest partridge and the Udzungwa forest francolin. 

The park also supports a variety of mammals, including the Udzungwa red colobus monkey, the Sanje mangabey, and the elephant shrew, which are all endemic to this region.

Visitors to Udzungwa Mountains National Park can enjoy trekking along its network of trails, which vary in difficulty and offer breathtaking views of waterfalls, valleys, and forests. The most popular hike is the trek to Sanje Falls, a stunning cascade plunging into a natural pool surrounded by lush vegetation.

Guided hikes allow visitors to learn about the park’s unique ecology and spot its elusive wildlife. Udzungwa provides a truly immersive experience for nature enthusiasts seeking adventure and the opportunity to discover Tanzania’s remarkable biodiversity.


During the dry season (June – October), the weather is generally mild and pleasant, making it ideal for trekking and exploring the park’s trails. The dry season also offers better visibility for wildlife spotting, especially birds and primates. However, the park’s lush vegetation is most vibrant during the rainy season (November to May), which can be a rewarding time for those interested in the park’s diverse flora and cascading waterfalls, though trails may be more challenging due to wet conditions.

Here are some of the best things to do in Udzungwa Mountains National Park:

Hiking and Trekking. Explore the park’s diverse landscapes and ancient mountains through guided hiking and trekking excursions. Popular trails include the trek to Sanje Waterfalls and the challenging trek to the summit of Lohomero Peak.

Primate Watching. Spot unique primate species, including the Udzungwa red colobus monkey and the Sanje mangabey, both endemic to the Udzungwa Mountains.

Camping. Experience the wilderness of Udzungwa by camping at designated campsites within the park, allowing you to immerse yourself in nature and listen to the sounds of the forest at night.

Waterfall Visits. Discover the stunning waterfalls within the park, such as the iconic Sanje Waterfalls, where you can enjoy scenic views and swim in natural pools surrounded by lush vegetation.

Birdwatching. Udzungwa Mountains National Park is a paradise for birdwatchers, with over 400 bird species, including rare forest-dwelling birds like the Udzungwa forest partridge and the African green broadbill.

Guided Nature Walks. Join guided nature walks to learn about the park’s unique flora and fauna, including medicinal plants and endemic species found in the montane forests.

Fun facts about Udzungwa Mountains National Park

It is part of the Eastern Arc Mountains, recognized as a global biodiversity hotspot due to its high concentration of endemic plant and animal species.
It boasts some of Tanzania’s tallest waterfalls, including the impressive Sanje Waterfalls, which cascades down a steep cliff into a picturesque pool surrounded by lush forest.
The park has one of the highest primate diversities in East Africa, with at least 11 primate species recorded, making it a prime destination for primate enthusiasts.
The Udzungwa Mountains are estimated to be over 100 million years old, showcasing a unique and ancient landscape shaped by geological processes over millennia.