Mount Kilimanjaro


Offering a less-traveled path to Kilimanjaro’s summit with expansive views and varied terrain. Starting on the western side, this route combines scenic beauty with acclimatization opportunities for a rewarding climbing experience.

About Shira Route

The Shira Route offers adventurers a unique and diverse approach to conquering Mount Kilimanjaro, beginning on the mountain’s western side and traversing through varied landscapes and ecosystems. This route is characterized by its expansive views, starting from the Shira Plateau, which provides trekkers with a panoramic perspective of the mountain and surrounding plains. With its gradual ascent and opportunities for acclimatization, the Shira Route is suitable for climbers seeking both challenge and scenic beauty.

Starting at a higher elevation than other routes, the Shira Route offers trekkers an immediate immersion into alpine terrain, bypassing the dense forest sections found on alternative paths. As climbers ascend through the moorland and alpine desert zones, they are treated to sweeping vistas and dramatic landscapes. The Shira Plateau, with its vast expanse of grassland and volcanic features, offers a unique setting for camping and acclimatization, setting the stage for the final push to the summit.

While the Shira Route is considered one of the more challenging options due to its higher starting point and rapid ascent, it rewards climbers with unparalleled views and a sense of accomplishment. The final ascent to Uhuru Peak requires determination and endurance, particularly as trekkers navigate the rocky terrain and thin air at high altitude. However, reaching the summit at 5,895 meters (19,341 feet) is a truly unforgettable experience, offering trekkers a profound sense of achievement and the chance to gaze upon the vast African landscape from the roof of the continent.

8 Days Route Itinerary

Day 1: Arrival

Arrival in Moshi

  • Arrive at Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO) near Moshi, the starting point for most Kilimanjaro climbs.
  • Complete any necessary paperwork and park registration with your trekking company.
  • Relax and enjoy a delicious meal at your hotel.

Moshi to Shira Ridge (3,600m) - Shira 1 Camp (3,950m)

  • Take a scenic drive from Moshi, bypassing the lower slopes and rainforest, to reach Shira Ridge, the starting point for the Shira Route.
  • Embark on your trek through a beautiful heath and moorland landscape with unique flora.
  • Enjoy a gradual ascent with panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.
  • Arrive at Shira 1 Camp, nestled on the Shira Plateau, for dinner and overnight stay.

Shira 1 Camp (3,950m) - Shira 2 Camp (4,200m) - Lava Tower (4,600m) - Barranco Camp (3,960m)

  • Hike across the vast Shira Plateau, experiencing a high-altitude environment with stunning scenery.
  • Ascend to Shira 2 Camp, situated at a slightly higher elevation for better acclimatization.
  • Continue the trek towards Lava Tower, a volcanic plug offering dramatic views of the plateau and Kibo Peak.
  • Descend from Lava Tower and rejoin the Machame Route towards Barranco Camp, a scenic campsite nestled in a valley, for dinner and overnight stay.

Barranco Camp (3,960m) - Karanga Camp (3,950m)

  • Today’s hike involves a challenging ascent along a ridge with breathtaking views of the Barranco Wall, a massive cliff face.
  • Navigate through a series of giant boulders known as the Barranco Breach, a thrilling section requiring sure footing.
  • Descend into Karanga Valley and reach Karanga Camp, a smaller camp with fewer crowds, for dinner and overnight stay.

Karanga Camp (3,950m) - Barafu Camp (4,700m)

  • he route traverses across ridges with stunning vistas of the surrounding glaciers and peaks.
  • Ascend steadily towards Barafu Camp, situated on a desolate plateau near the Kibo Crater rim.
  • Enjoy a pre-summit briefing in the evening and get an early night’s rest in preparation for the challenging summit push.

Barafu Camp (4,700m) - Uhuru Peak (5,895m) - Mweka Camp (3,100m)

  • Undertake the pre-dawn summit push, the most physically demanding part of the trek, towards Uhuru Peak, the highest point in Africa.
  • Witness the spectacular sunrise paint the sky with vibrant colors (weather permitting).
  • Savor the accomplishment of reaching the “Roof of Africa” and enjoy the breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding glaciers and landscape.
  • Descend back to Barafu Camp for breakfast and a short rest.
  • Descend a well-maintained trail through lower slopes to Mweka Camp for dinner and overnight stay.

Mweka Camp (3,100m) - Mweka Gate (1,640m) - Moshi

  • Hike down a well-maintained trail through the rainforest, retracing your steps from the ascent.
  • Celebrate your remarkable achievement at Mweka Gate with your fellow trekkers and crew.
  • Enjoy a relaxing drive back to Moshi for a celebratory meal and overnight stay.

Depature Day

  • Enjoy a leisurely breakfast at your hotel and reflect on your incredible Kilimanjaro adventure.
  • Depending on your flight schedule, explore Moshi town or indulge in some souvenir shopping.
  • Transfer to Kilimanjaro International Airport for your departure flight.